Barcodes vs RFID – is my business ready to make the switch?
RFID tags come with several tracking advantages over the traditional bar code. For one, an RFID tag doesn’t require a line of sight to be scanned, they only need to pass by a reader. This means that items with RFID codes can be scanned within a storage container without being unpacked. Unlike bar codes, RFID readers can scan tags in bulk. This makes tracking items with RFID tags more efficient.
Automates data collection, vastly reduces human effort and error.
Supports tag reading with no line-of-sight or item-by-item scans required.
Readers can read multiple tags simultaneously, offering increases in efficiency.
All tags within range can be detected instantly and matched with information in your database.
Assets can be cross-referenced against assigned locations and recorded as present, missing, or relocated.
Can be integrated with active scanning and fixed readers for a totally automated tracking solution.
Assets and employees can be tracked and located automatically for everything from supply chain and asset management to facility security and emergency planning.
Available scanners support both RFID and barcoding so you can upgrade at your own pace.

Advantages of RFID
Surpasses Barcode Limitations
RFID tags can be read from a variety of distances based on the type of tag and the use of a handheld reader or a fixed RFID reader combined with an antenna. This means that, even with entry-level handheld readers, multiple RFID tags can be read simultaneously from a distance 6 to 15 feet, and more advanced tags enable distances of 30 to 50 feet or more for select items. So, rather than having to pick up or turn over a piece of equipment and scan its barcode, a user can simply wave a handheld reader within range of multiple assets tagged with RFID. The device will automatically read and recognize the tags, even if they are located underneath the objects and are not visible. Moreover, fixed readers combined with antennas eliminate the need for handheld reading and provide a fully automated solution for tracking the movement or location of assets and even employees virtually anywhere in your facilities (AB&R, 2022).

Mitigates Human Error
RFID not only streamlines and automates asset scanning but also eliminates the possibility of human error. Each asset or tagged item is detected and identified automatically, and it is matched up with the correct information in your database using its unique ID. There is no possibility of human scanning errors or incorrect logging or updating of information on paper records or in a spreadsheet. This allows manufacturers to maintain a completely accurate inventory of all tagged assets and properly account for current assets and future supply chain, planning, or equipment needs. Plus, with RFID tagging, workers can quickly locate and identify any asset or even track the movement and verify the location of employees anywhere in your buildings (AB&R, 2022).
The RFID technology of AIMS has a lot of proven applications, why not enquire with 1Logic today to see what we can do for you.